Tag Archives: week1

Week 1 – a week in review…

Week one

I came into voces not really knowing what to expect beyond writing. I definitely got some writing. The slant of the program keeps me sliding towards poetry but there is certainly room for analytical and short story writing but poetry is slamming everything else. The group is really great and I like everyone as much as is not creepy. I am glad there are three more weeks. Ish.

Reflection week 1
We did many things that were fun and I was able to express myself through many different ways. The first day I met new people I probably wouldn’t have imagined meeting ever.  I really enjoy voces and I plan on coming all fours years. I really like all the people who join voces. And I hope more people come from previous years.
Week 1
I think the first week went rather well.  Much better than I expected.  I guess you could say I feel welcomed in a way, which is amazing considering I have a fear of “big kids”.  I like hearing people’s feedback on what I write, it makes me feel accomplished.  Having the visitors come and teach us is also a lot of fun; I just don’t like all the cameras and pictures.  Aside from all the pictures I had to take, I liked the week a lot.  I feel that short stories aren’t getting enough attention.  It’s okay that I’m not always writing them, it’s more of how I can’t write poetry.  I can’t write a poem or a haiku.  I think maybe we could have more short story stuff.

I am conflicted about my first few days at Voces. On one hand, I feel out of place, a story writer surrounded by poets and musicians. I have never been good at poetry, I struggle to write anything meaningful, especially when other’s poems are deep, or interesting, or creative. I came to Voces at the suggestion of my mother, to help me become a better writer. I have always been a fiction writer, short stories and longer ones. I’m worried about a performance, in which I might have to read a poem out loud. On the other hand, I really like the people in voces, both the attendees and the mentors. Hopefully in the next few days and the following weeks I will feel more comfortable.

Voces is a great poetry and writing workshop, with great mentors and people. I hope to improve my writing through this!

The first week of Voces was challenging, but so much fun.  I am so thankful to be in a place where everyday I am pushed to work hard and create, create, create. The mentors and teachers are inspirational and are examples of just how powerful poetry can be. I would have to say that my two favorite activities/performances were the collaborations with the Manoa program and the poem presentations of the ABQ Slam Team – they were amazing and vivid!  We were split into groups after the performance and worked with the four different poets on different things, including “Dear —-” poems, personal poems, culture collaboration and “If/Then” lines. I’ve been working hard to create poems and stories, using these different prompts and inspirations, and I am happy with a lot of the things I have created.  Now it is time for memorization and editing, and creating polished pieces to perform!

Week 1 was excellent! We all got pretty comfortable with eachother & starting writing hardcore (which is AWESOME!). Karlos showed me to look at things in different points of view & realize how art programs are getting cut off. I’m enjoying every day here I wish it’d be longer than a month. But I’m gonna make the best of this month & I look forward to spending the rest of it here!

the first week on Voces was super duper fun, and comfortable. i enjoyed the variety of workshops we have been exposed to so far and am excited to learn more! there is so much to talk about in the first week yet i dont seem to have the words to describe it. Maybe epicsauce dipped in awesomesauce. also the instructors are great and super willing to give feedback for the work we do and that’s super important for a writers growth.

Week one was really exciting and fun and everyone was very welcoming. We god a lot of writing done and got about 7 unedited poems written. Everyone was really into the writing and everyone participated, making everything that much more enjoyable. We did art and mixing poems and just everything in between to make everyone feel included no matter what art medium they were used to.

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